Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Utilizing A Virtual Paralegal In Litigation

The use of Virtual Paralegals in Litigation has risen exponentially over the past 10 + years. Clients are becoming more sophisticated in the use of Paralegals and now routinely ask, when reviewing bills, if a charge for work done by an Attorney could not have been done by a Paralegal at a lower billing rate.

Most large firms have highly experienced Paralegals who manage cases under the supervision and guidance of the partner in charge. These Virtual Paralegals are responsible for overseeing and creating the structure and protocols for the case from document organization and productions, to witness files, and trial preparation and assistance.

Many smaller firms and sole practitioners are not in a position to have on staff a career Paralegal with this level of experience. However, the need for this level of assistance is still there for small firms and sole practitioners. This is where a highly experienced Virtual Paralegal can enhance the attorneys practice and add value and cost efficiency for the client.

Utilizing the Virtual Litigation Paralegal

The following are a just a few of the ways a highly experienced Virtual Litigation Paralegal can enhance your practice and give you the edge in a case that the more heavily staffed law firms command.

Motion Practice

Accuracy of legal citation and correct formatting is very important in every filing before the court. The Virtual Paralegal can cite, check and proofread all motions, oppositions, and replies. They can also provide legal research and supporting documents for factual assertions while the attorney drafts the brief and reviews legal research in support of the motion. Our Virtual Paralegals are so experienced they can compose the motions for the attorney saving them even more time. All the attorney would have to do is review the motion, sign, and file.


Factual research for cases can sometimes be time consuming and very costly at attorney billable rates. However, it is the thoroughness in ascertaining the facts surrounding a case that will make or break the presentation before a jury. A Paralegal will provide cost effective and thorough factual research for the client under the guidance of the attorney. This is often the area where the more heavily staffed law firms gain the edge in a case. Using the Virtual Paralegal allows the small firm and/or sole practitioner to achieve the same level of thoroughness while saving the attorney;s time and the client's money.

Expert witness and witness background searches are another area where the Virtual Paralegal can be of great assistance.

Document Organization and Review

These days the cost of scanning documents is almost the same as copying. So when documents are being copied and numbered in response to a request for documents, rather than making that second safety copy set, have them scanned and put on CDs. The CDs can then be sent to the paralegal who can create a searchable database linked to the document images. Once the database is complete, witness files can be organized electronically, chronologies can be developed, and exhibits for motions and trial can be assembled and organized by the paralegal at a different location than the attorney.

These are only small options and areas a Virtual Paralegal can assist a law firm. Contact us today and go over the many different services offered at the most competitive rates in the industry! This is the way of the future. I believe in the next 10 years the majority of Paralegals will be working virtually and there will be very few in-office positions left.


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