Friday, 18 November 2016

How Xpath Plays Vital Role In Web Scraping

How Xpath Plays Vital Role In Web Scraping

XPath is a language for finding information in structured documents like XML or HTML. You can say that XPath is (sort of) SQL for XML or HTML files. XPath is used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML or HTML document.

To understand XPath we must be clear about elements and nodes which are the building blocks of XML and HTML. Let’s talk about them. Here is an example element in an HTML document:

   <a class=”hyperlink” href=>google</a>

Copy the above text to a file, name it as sample.html and open it in a browser. This will end up as a text link displaying the words “google” and it will take you to For each element there are three main parts: The type, the attributes, andthe text. They are listed below:

 a                                 Type
class,  href                Attributes
google                       Text

Let’s grab some XPath developer tools. I am on Firebug for Firefox or you can use Chrome’s developer tools. We will now form some XPath expressions to extract data from the above element. We will also verify the XPath by using Firebug Console.

For extracting the text “google”:


For extracting the hyperlink i.e. ”” :


That’s all with a single element but in reality, you need to deal with more complex forms.

Let’s proceed to the idea of nodes, and its familial relationship of HTML elements. Look at this example code:

 <div title=”Section1″>

   <table id=”Search”>

       <tr class=”Yahoo”>Yahoo Search</tr>

       <tr class=”Google”>Google Search</tr>



 Notice the </div> at the bottom? That means the table and tr elements are contained within the div. These other elements are considered descendants of the div. The table is a child, and the tr is a grandchild (and so on and so forth). The two tr elements are considered siblings each other. This is vital, as XPath uses these relationships to find your element.

So suppose you want to find the Google item. Any of the following expressions will work:


So let’s analyze the expressions. We start at the top element (also known as a node). The // means to search all descendants, / means to just look at the current element’s children. So //div means look through all descendants for a div element. The brackets [] specify something about that element. So we can look for an attribute with the @ symbol, or look for text with the text() function. We can chain as many of these together as we can.

Here is a quick reference:

   //             Search all descendant elements
   /              Search all child elements
   []             The predicate (specifies something about the element you are looking for)
   @           Specifies an element attribute. (For example, @title)
   .               Specifies the current node (useful when you want to look for an element’s children in the predicate)
   ..              Specifies the parent node
  text()       Gets the text of the element.
In the context of web scraping, XPath is a nice tool to have in your belt, as it allows you to write specifications of document locations more flexibly than CSS selectors.

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Thursday, 3 November 2016

Why Outsourcing Data Mining Services?

Why Outsourcing Data Mining Services?

Are huge volumes of raw data waiting to be converted into information that you can use? Your organization's hunt for valuable information ends with valuable data mining, which can help to bring more accuracy and clarity in decision making process.

Nowadays world is information hungry and with Internet offering flexible communication, there is remarkable flow of data. It is significant to make the data available in a readily workable format where it can be of great help to your business. Then filtered data is of considerable use to the organization and efficient this services to increase profits, smooth work flow and ameliorating overall risks.

Data mining is a process that engages sorting through vast amounts of data and seeking out the pertinent information. Most of the instance data mining is conducted by professional, business organizations and financial analysts, although there are many growing fields that are finding the benefits of using in their business.

Data mining is helpful in every decision to make it quick and feasible. The information obtained by it is used for several applications for decision-making relating to direct marketing, e-commerce, customer relationship management, healthcare, scientific tests, telecommunications, financial services and utilities.

Data mining services include:

  •     Congregation data from websites into excel database
  •     Searching & collecting contact information from websites
  •     Using software to extract data from websites
  •     Extracting and summarizing stories from news sources
  •     Gathering information about competitors business

In this globalization era, handling your important data is becoming a headache for many business verticals. Then outsourcing is profitable option for your business. Since all projects are customized to suit the exact needs of the customer, huge savings in terms of time, money and infrastructure can be realized.

Advantages of Outsourcing Data Mining Services:

  •     Skilled and qualified technical staff who are proficient in English
  •     Improved technology scalability
  •     Advanced infrastructure resources
  •     Quick turnaround time
  •     Cost-effective prices
  •     Secure Network systems to ensure data safety
  •     Increased market coverage

Outsourcing will help you to focus on your core business operations and thus improve overall productivity. So data mining outsourcing is become wise choice for business. Outsourcing of this services helps businesses to manage their data effectively, which in turn enable them to achieve higher profits.
